Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Linn County 2018 Judicial Election Hootenanny!

According to Wikipedia, Linn County is the most conservative country in Western Oregon. It’s expected wingnuts would be attracted to Eastern Oregon, as the Malheur Refuge terrorist Y’all Qaeda were. But it’s assumed people west of the Cascades should know better.

That assumption is wrong. Linn Country residents and neighbors are trying to elect Republican conspiracy pandering loon Michael Wynhausen as one of their circuit court judges.

Michael Wynhausen 

Wynhausen's support mainly comes from disaffected “economically anxious” yahoos who are afraid of the scary black woman that the state governor appointed. That’s certainly their right, but they should just own their racism instead of pretending its about EXPERIENCE. That is the rallying cry (It’s in the voter’s handbook, it’s on Wynhausen’s Facebook page), but the problem is Wynhausen’s EXPERIENCE is not the only type of experience that qualifies one for being a judge. He’s a country prosecutor. If it was, the incumbent would never have been appointed in the first place.

However, since EXPERIENCE is Wynhausen’s rallying cry, voters should be aware Wynhausen, a lawyer and prosecutor, towards that goal, got his bachelors in philosophy and a minor in... theater. He laughs about it during the public event here:

[ -1:32:54 to -1:32.46 ]

But why, if he was planning to be a lawyer, did he bother to get degrees in philosophy and theater? It sounds like a lazy strategy to get an easy bachelors: less academically rigorous, and, lets face it, any college degree will impress the communities Wynhausen wants the vote from. Or maybe he really did have the bug for the stage, and had to admit he just wasn’t good enough. Years later he’d indulge his desire to dress up now and then as a Yodeler who wants to be a Real Boy:

Wynhausen’s EXPERIENCE in theater probably came in handy with his prosecutor work, though it’s hard to know exactly how. Calling that EXPERIENCE an asset as a judge is unlikely.

But then there’s the Scary Black Woman. Reports from liberals who live in the country affirm the N-word is thrown around casually with little or no community push back, and it was quite common for Republican residents to refer to Obama as that N*gger. Many believe he’s a Kenyan Muslim, a conspiracy invented by disbarred lawyer Phil Berg and spread by Orly Taitz. Phil Berg was also part of other conspiracy circles, which Wynhausen’s constituents have an affinity for. In fact there’s a grab bag of conspiracies du jour Wynhausen allies and supporters give credence to, including, but not limited to, fears about feminists, communists, Democrats:

Feminism bad

Communists and Democrats bad.

But let’s stick to the classics. For instance, Wynhauen’s supporters believe he’s the target of a “Soros conspiracy” aka “the Jews”. Linda McCormick and Christine Ruck are sure Soros is trying to “mess” with things:

Christine Ruck
The article is amazing. A Judge should be looking for facts, evidence and compliance with the law. If the Governor was using any criteria but experience, then the voters of Linn County should absolutely set her straight.
Anyone who has career goals is going to prepare for that next position along that path. How does anyone who didn't spend time in a courtroom going to do the job competently? The consequences of getting it wrong are going to fall on people who may not realize the appointed judge is a rookie.
Linn County voters need to make the choice.

Linda Lewis McCormick
Is this the judge situation that Soros is messing with?

Christine Ruck
Wouldn't be a surprise


More comments left on a Willamette Week article about how Oppressed White Men (and some women) are trying to save Oregon Courts from the Governor’s Latte Liberals. Wynhausen, like many of those running for public office, refused to be interviewed, which seems odd in light of his chatty kathy spot about his college theatrical days. Another odd thing is Wynhausen’s supporters don’t like people to know he’s a Republican. Perhaps it’s because the position is non-partisan, though this excuse wears thin with all the Democrat bashing.

It’s not as if Wynhausen has made his affiliation secret over the years. In his own family its a running joke: as a conservative he’s the black sheep. And he was the Republican country chair for years.

“Linn Republican Party chair Michael Wynhausen”

Right wing nut job radio shock jock Lars Larson interviewed Wynhausen in August:

[Larson’s trolling of Jimmy Carter, Portland Mayor Sam Adams and Christmas Trees can be read here:

Why so coy about Wynhausen being a Republican?

Wynhausen’s conservative sympathies might be more extreme than traditional fiscal conservatism. From his conspiracy obsessed supporters(anyone who thinks Soros is behind a rinky dink state judicial election is several widgets short of a shipping container), one gets the impression Wynhausen may be a social conservative as well, possibly with Tea Party sympathies. The country and area are stated to be conservative for the state, but bat crap loon is more accurate, because it sure does attract the tinfoil, even in respectable publications.

For instance, the Salem News, who have occasionally published stories of Wynhausen’s experience AS A PROSECUTOR over the years, also has covered the very important issue of the 9/11 attacks being a fabrication:

“9/11 Reflections: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues

(EUGENE, ORE.) - Simon Shack is emphatic: “nobody died on September eleventh.” I am talking to him in Rome, via Skype. He has recently asked me if I believe that the moon landing was real, laughing derisively.

To put this in context, Simon Shack is not talking in general about any given September 11. 300,000 people around the world die every single day. Simon Shack is referring, in particular, to the media event known as 9/11. The World Trade Center. All of that. These 3,000 people, who died on television in the United States, occupy a sanctified position not enjoyed by the other 99% of the people who died on September 11, 2001.

They are the casus belli for the longest and most disastrous wars in the history of the United States. Simon Shack is convinced that these 3,000 odd people never existed.

Simon Shack will tell you that nobody actually died on television. There is almost no evidence of any fatalities whatsoever. Only a few bone fragments and rumors that thousands of bodies were “vaporized.”

This is how the article begins, leading one to wonder what exactly have they put in the drinking water. Because we know it isn't fluoride... #conspiracydujour

Lest anyone assume the writer, a failed law student named Ersun Warncke, is just humoring Shack, Warncke makes it clear later on he’s in sympathy with Shack’s Sandy Hook/Pizzagate style conspiracy views:

Simon’s thinking goes like this: if the video from September 11 was faked, then the only plausible reason to fake it would be to conceal the fact that no commercial airliners hit the WTC towers.

This reasoning jibes with numerous strong proofs that the destruction of the WTC buildings resulted from the use of pre-planted explosives and a controlled demolition. It also fits well with strong proofs that a commercial airliner did not hit the Pentagon.

If you break down these theories, it makes no sense that commercial airliners would hit the WTC, but not the Pentagon. It makes no sense that you would have both a controlled demolition at the WTC complex and commercial airliners hitting the buildings.

If a person was going to take down the WTC with a controlled demolition, they would not use hijacked commercial airliners as part of this plot. This would be redundant, and it would introduce unacceptable levels of risk, because if the hijackings failed there would be no viable explanation for why the buildings had collapsed. Thus, either there were no airplanes, or there was no controlled demolition.

Once you see September Clues, the evidence of airplanes looks very weak.”

So Warncke has concluded no planes were involved in the September 11th attacks? And controlled demolitions were responsible for the building collapses?  Alrighty then!
A copy of this article is also archived on the “official” September Clues website :


A Google Search of Wynhausen and 9/11 will reveal more disturbing conspiracy interests, including a KATU interview of Wynhausen’s wife or sister with people screaming “9/11 IS AN INSIDE JOB!”:
[Correction: apparently ex-wife working inside the gubmint to spread gubmint conspiracies...Oregonlive link]


A search of Wynhausen and Vicsims (WTF???), leads down even deeper rabbit holes:


Before following link, you might want to load up on  kittehs. 

Tim “Mah Gunz” Mueller

And if that wasn’t enough tinfoil from this area, people need to meet Linn County Loon Tim “Mah Gunz” Mueller. (No relation to Robert “busting Trump’s balls” Mueller...that we know of)

In 2013, then Sheriff Tim Mueller sent the then vice president a delusional letter stating:

he won't enforce any federal regulation "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens." He won't permit federal officers to come to his county to enforce such laws either, he said.
Mueller's defiant stand exploded into a groundswell of support. His letter -- posted on the department's Facebook page -- earned more than 59,000 likes and shares -- and was growing by the minute.”

The letter, complete with hysterical comments worried the gubmint will take mah gunz, is still there:

“The attached letter explains Sheriff Tim Mueller's stance on unconstitutional firearms regulations.”

Sounds like Linn Country plans to Rise Up against the Big Gumbint. This was pure ignorance as Forbes tried to point out:

“None of President Obama's 23 executive orders would confiscate legally owned weapons. Even if the White House eventually manages to convince Congress to restrict ownership of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, which amendment to the Constitution says that a 30-round clip is an absolute right? But this is not the point. One must wonder what other laws these sheriffs would selectively enforce.”

With Linn County Loons you never know!

Tosh Plumlee

Other local loons include Tosh Plumlee, a writer for the Salem-News who alleges to be a CIA pilot that was the source of Gary Webb’s CIA-Contra claims.

If true, and given how those claims came into question decades later, Plumlee might have been a conman all along. Which could explain his article glorifying Russian asset and conspiracy performance artist, Abby Martin:

Our writer Tosh Plumlee is one of the CIA pilots who blew the whistle on the whole thing.
(WASHINGTON, DC) - In this video, RTV's Abby Martin calls out an article from New York Magazine that suggests the CIA's connection to cocaine trafficking is a mere conspiracy theory.

This is a subject covered regularly on Salem-News.com, and also in the book co-authored by Robert O'Dowd and Tim King, Betrayal: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-up.”

Sure...Okay. Salem-News is a backwater, redneck conspiracy rag. Got it.

Looking at Plumlee’s Facebook page, it’s not clear if he actually lives in Salem or the Linn County area, but since his feed is full of conspiracy’s about JFK conspiracies, Hilary’s emails and Caravan’s of Mexicans invading the US, he'll fit right in:


Rachel Kittson-MaQatish or Granny Kitty-MaQ

Another area loon is Rachel Kittson-MaQatish running for Circuit Court Bright Teeth, endorsed by retired Sheriff Tim “Mah Gunz” Mueller:

Rachel Kittson-MaQatish is with Michael Wynhausen and Tim Mueller.
Yesterday at 8:18 AM

I am pleased to announce retired Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller's endorsement! “

Now to be fair, Kitty-MaQ is more of a victim of her backwater ecosystem, than an actual redneck creep.  Her reply re:ICE and Sanctuary Cities is interesting and suggests she's one of the more intelligent players:

Immigration is federal law. Your Circuit Court Judges do not have jurisdiction in federal cases........Your Circuit Court Judges do not have jurisdiction in immigration cases and typically aren't involved. Bottom line for me - is I will follow the law.”

So exactly NOT like Tim “Mah Gunz” Mueller’s defiance letter to Biden.

One supporter wants to know where Kitty-MaQ stands with his GUNZ:

Jason Badger Hanson Quick question on 2ND....what's your stand?”

Chill dude, nobody is gonna take your guns away. Besides, Kitty-MaQ is being supported by “Mah Gunz” Mueller. People should be more concerned about Hanson’s paint shop pro experiments with the Gadsen Flag:

Nope, no racism here, no sirree!

Christine Ruck 

Our last loon is Christine Ruck, previously mentioned for her tinfoil insights into the SOROS Conspiracy trying to undermine this local judicial hootenanny. Ruck has moved on to being a rah -rah girl for Knute and Appointed Rapist Kavenaugh:

Christine Ruck
October 5 at 1:42 PM ·

Not my words, but my thoughts.

Hey all.. Look, I know that Knute's comments about the Kavanaugh nomination have got some people reconsidering voting for him. I get it - those of you who are my FB friend have probably seen my posts in support of Kavanaugh. And I'll confess, my reaction to seeing what Knute said wasn't great.

BUT!! after prayer, thought, and conversations with people I trust and respect, I'm still going to do everything I can to get Knute elected to be our next Governor and I hope you will to.”

Yeppers, because God supports unstable wanna be rapists who bawl their eyes out over BEER in public.

Ruck also gets schooled on the Albany page for spreading fake news:

Christine Ruck
Telling the truth is not slander. She graduated law school, had her license and let it lapse for over 7 years, skipping the continuing education and got the license back conditionally to get appointed.

Kate Brown passed over all the qualified attorneys to make her pick. Stetz-Waters didn't have the qualifications to be a substitute judge.”

Keith Kolkow
See the problem with your claim is that it isn’t truth Christine. She didn’t “let her license lapse for over 7 years” and you’re the one spreading misinformation. You have been provided information about this multiple times. The qualifications for a substitute judge aren’t the same you’d know that if you looked it up.”

He follows up with probably the sickest burn in the kiddie judicial election rodeo:

Keith Kolkow

20 years in one job and in one area of law is #experiencethatisirrelevant”

Let’s cut the bullshit. The real reason these loons are bleating EXPERIENCE is because they can’t admit they don’t want the SCARY BLACK LADY. And, they resent their governor for authorizing force in dealing with the Malheur Refuge Y’all Qaeda terrorists.

But look on the bright side. At least Kitty-MaQ and Ruck are sane enough to agree the September 11th attacks did, in fact, happen, and people did, in fact, die:

Rachel Kittson-MaQatish for Judge
September 12 ·

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending both the Albany and Lebanon 9/11 Patriots’ Day Ceremonies. Both were beautiful tributes to heroes that were lost and remembrance of what a great nation we are.”

Christine Ruck
September 10 ·

On this day... 17 years ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work the next morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift of saving lives. None of them saw past 10:00am Sept 11, 2001. “

So 911 is NOT an INSIDE JOB? They should probably tell their buddy Mickey. He’ll be so relieved.

Now lets watch Mickey dabble in some light baiting:

Michael Wynhausen for Linn County Judge
October 18 at 8:32 PM ·

Who does FayStetz-Waters support? The criminals of Linn County....certainly not their victims.

He seems nice.

Final word:

While we agree violent people who have no interest in improving their lives should be thrown in the slammer, people who legit want treatment should get it. Wynhausen doesn’t agree and appears to have a history of trying to KEEP people out of treatment programs:

“I've witnessed you trying to stop someone from getting in to DTC(drug treatment court). I've also witnessed that same person successfully complete DTC.
Stop blaming kate Brown for the repeat offenders. Sounds like you'd like to lock up non violent people with a problem. Treatment works. Healing our people should be givin a fair shot.”

More on Linn County DTC:

We thought we were done, but no.   It's worse.

Not only is Wynhausen GRRR TOUGH ON CRIME, he doesn’t care if there are medically and scientifically confirmed mitigating circumstances, like bad reactions to prescription medications:

This case should be dropped
Written October 21st, 2013 by Hasso Hering

The state of Oregon has been going after Mandy Kenney for a year and a half. Next week this 29-year-old mother of three is scheduled to go on trial for reckless driving and driving under the influence. This is an unnecessary and unwarranted prosecution and a waste of everybody’s time. On Feb. 1, 2012, Kenney had taken two prescriptions, Ambien to help her sleep and an antidepressant. Then, after midnight, she drove from her home in Turner about 16 miles to a spot on Richardson Gap Road and ended up in a ditch. She told deputies she didn’t know how she got there. Her doctor said later she had suffered a rare side effect from Ambien, “sleep driving.”

But, like his conspiracy loving, liberal hating supporters, Wynhausen probably finds science suspect and thinks the doctor is “in on it”. Alas for Wynhausen’s TUFF ON CRIMING derangement, hardened criminal and scoff-law Mandy Kenney was acquitted a couple weeks later:

A Turner woman who took Ambien and crashed her car in February 2012 was acquitted of driving under the influence of intoxicants and reckless driving during her court trial on Wednesday.
Judge Carol Bispham said the prosecution couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mandylee Kenney, 29, wasn’t sleep-driving — which is one of the insomnia treatment drug’s side effects listed by the Federal Drug Administration.
Kenney, a mother of three who was going through a divorce, would have been eligible for a DUII diversion program. After the verdict was announced, she said she wanted to go to trial because she wasn’t guilty.
“You tell the truth, you should receive justice, the right kind of justice. ... It’s been a long fight,” she said.

She should be lucky she wasn’t accused of being a crisis actor hired by Soros to do Pizzagate. Wynhausen refuses to allow the law just might be a teasy weasy bit inadequate in this case (odd considering all the other batcrap insane lunacy his supporters believe in):

“Prosecutor Michael Wynhausen said that Kenney’s comments to the lawmen, including a statement that she thought she was safe to drive, were evidence of her guilt.

“The defendant was aware of what she was doing,” Wynhausen said.”

After she woke up half asleep remembering what she probably thought was a dream? We'll remember that next time we wake up from that dream about being naked and late for a test we didn’t study for! Wynhausen will not tolerate any of that liberal science and medical funny business! And global warming is a hoax!

Okay, we done? So done.

Linn County Loons want to live in backwater Moonbat Conspiracy Trumptardistan, blaming Soros,Kate Brown, and Jews for their problems while making excuses for actual terrorists like the Bundy's Y’all Qaeda, fine. But they should own their reactionary racist BS and not pretend to be “patriots”.

If Linn Country voters succeeds in putting these loons in office, they'll get exactly what they deserve.

-R. Blaz

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